1 102 A Moche @ We gain an exceptionally vivid picture of Moche life from their pottery which included scenes of human sacrifices and battles, for they ruled an expansive military state. Centred in the Moche valley, which had massive sacred and secular pyramids, the state constructed roads to foster communications and control, and a great network of irrigation canals.
#Moche, a pot showing aspect of very ordinary daily life
2 102 C Nazca @ The Nazca people made fine pottery decorated with motifs including animals and severed heads. Many similar motifs were used in the extraordinary 'Nazca Lines' in the desert near the ceremonial centre of Cahuachi, vast images made by clearing stones to expose the lighter rock beneath. These must have had some religious significance.
#Nazca, Nazca Lines bird
3 102 D Tiwanaku @ On the high plain of the Andes near lake Titicaca stood a great city, Tiwanaku, its centre a complex of vast temples, monumental gateways and monolithic statues. It was probably a place of religious pilgrimage for Andean peoples. It was also a major administrative centre from which massive land reclamation projects were organized.
#Tiwanaku, gateway of the sun or monolithic figure#IMAGE WILL BE PU
4 102 B Huari @ Tiwanaku might have been the sacred capital of the expansionist military state of Huari, since they are clearly related in their religion and artistic representations. Huari consolidated its hold over conquered lands by building roads and strongly defended administrative centres with state storehouses and accommodation for civil administrators and military garrisons.
#Huari, Huari object/building
6 102 G Ecuador @ Many chiefdoms emerged in highland and coastal Ecuador and Colombia, building canals and ceremonial centres and making fine goldwork. Most notable were the sites around San Agustin where burials were placed in carved stone sarcophagi within stone-built tombs. Here too were numerous carved stone reliefs, especially of a grimacing fanged individual.
#Ecuador, San Agustin figurine
5 102 F Amazonia @ By AD 500 many substantial settlements existed along the rivers of Amazonia. Plain funerary pottery buried in groups containing one decorated vessel hints at the existence of a social hierarchy, and this is borne out by the descriptions from the time of the European conquest, when large settlements were ruled by chiefs.